How to Plan a Budget Friendly Trip? Tips to Travel on Budget


Gone are the days when we used to randomly plan a trip with a limited budget. Nowadays you will have to have huge savings to go on a trip of your dreams.

Traveling has truly become a luxury these days, from transportation to food everything costs a fortune. But there are always some ways to save money and be mindful while spending money. If you are someone who tends to spend more than you meant to, then this article is for you. We are listing down some tips that can help you save some money while traveling so you can plan a budget friendly trip!

1. Plan Your Trip in Advance!

The key to travel on budget is to plan your trip in advance. This will allow you to understand the estimate of your expenses so you can easily set a budget.

You should start planning your trip at least 10 months in advance. This allows you to plan a perfect trip that includes booking flight tickets, hotels, and having your travel documentation ready so there is no last minute expense.

With early planning, you would be able to book your flights early which saves a lot of money. You should book your flights at least 6 months in advance, the earlier you book, the more you save!


2. Travel in Off Season

You don’t want to plan a summer trip in Italy as it will cost you a fortune, but going there in off season would help you save a lot plus an added benefit will be that places will be less crowded.

Try to avoid choosing the holiday season too as it’s too expensive and the place will be crowded. You can also avoid flying or traveling during the weekend which is a popular choice anyway.

3. Plan Your Meals Too

One of the expenses that people underestimate during their planning is the food. Dining out or going to popular fancy places will cost you a lot. So while planning your trip ensure where to eat and add a specific budget for your meals during the day. You can pack yourself some food which you can eat as a breakfast or snacks so you won’t be super hungry and tempted to spend on expensive food.

Always opt for street food over a fancy restaurant. You can also see the places that offer free breakfast or let you cook your food yourself. Cutting down your food expenses can save you a big chunk of money!

4. Use Public Transportation

Choosing metro, local buses or a tuk tuk would be far more money efficient than hiring a cab. So while traveling to a city, make sure you search for the best transportation for commuting and stick to that instead of booking a cab.

There are many places where you can book a two wheeler for an entire day so you can go around the city without having to deal with any other means of transportation. This too can save a lot money and also give you freedom to plan your city tour.

5. Pack Smartly

While packing, make sure you put all the things that you will need instead of going to a different city and buying. From toothbrushes to medicines, make sure you have everything you are going to need.

Don’t try to overpack clothes as it will add the extra weight to your luggage which may cost you a lot as well as will be hard to travel with.

6. Book Your Hotels Directly

Booking a hotel without any third party platform might be more beneficial to you. If you are traveling off season you might be able to get yourself a better deal than any other traveling website. There are chances that you will be able to negotiate a good deal and save some bucks.

7. Opt for Budget Friendly Destinations

You don’t have to visit the most popular places as they are generally far more expensive as well as crowded. If you choose to visit a small town or a less touristy place you can have all your fun on a budget.

Make sure to search the currency exchange rates and if the currency is cheaper than yours. This can make a huge difference. Some Asian and European countries have a lot to offer and they are pretty cheap too.

8. Travel in Groups

This is an underrated way to save a lot during a vacation. It makes a huge difference when you are traveling with a group as you can cut down so many expenses such as your stay and food. You will feel safer and it will open many options (cheaper ones). Lastly, it’s always fun to make memories with your friends and family!

9. Try to Limit the Shopping

It’s very tempting to see what the new city of a country has to offer in terms of shopping but it’s the last thing you want to do when you are traveling on a budget. Shopping might cost you a lot and you won’t even realize. So try to do as little shopping as you can, even the street shopping can cost you a lot. So stay away from the market and make memories by finding new places and spending some quality time!

10. Pay in Local Currency

Try to exchange your dollar bills to the local currency as soon as possible, otherwise it can cost you a lot. The cards might also be expensive as there can be some hidden charges. So make sure to pay in cash while you are traveling abroad.


At last, you would need to be mindful while spending and planning your trip, this might mean that you will have to make some compromises but it will be worth it when you won’t go broke after every trip!

We hope you found some ways to travel on a budget and now can plan your trip without having to lose every penny you own. That would be all for now, happy traveling!

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